
CNN Student News

If you are a secondary teacher or even upper elementary, you may want to check out CNN Student News. It's a FREE, commercial-free, daily news program for middle and high school students. (I still strongly recommend that you view the newscast before showing your students each day, just to make sure it's appropriate - especially for our elementary student!)

You may not have time to show this every day (and who am I kidding? Time is precious!) but this is a good site to keep in mind when discussing current events. If you are studying a specific topic, you could even search for it on the site and see if they've talked about it during a past newscast.

The site provides show transcripts as well as Daily discussion suggestions, News Quizzes, Downloadable PDF maps, and other useful information.

If you're interested, check out the broadcast from Monday, March 21:

If you want to know more about how this works and what CNN STudent News is all about, head over to What is CNN Student News?

Are you using CNN Student News in your classroom? If so, how do the kids like it? Find out more it here.


Nicole McAllister said...

I love all of your weekly posts...but I especially LOVE this one on CNN Student News! What a great way for me to start the day off with my 5th graders while we are waiting for the morning bell to ring each day. Thank you!!!

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