
Constitution Day, September 17

Are you looking for some techy ways to teach your kids about Constitution Day? Here are a few of my favorites:

The US Constitution: BrainPOP will require a username/password (EM-S ISD peeps should check with their CTIs for that info). Be sure to check on September 17th to see if they publish any new {free} "Constitution" videos ... they're cool like that!

BrainPOP Jr. videos - don't forget about these!

Charlie Brown: The Constitutional Convention of 1787: Taken from This is America, Charlie Brown: The Birth of the Constitution. Originally aired Friday October 28, 1988. (Youtube, 14:18)

Celebrating the Constitution: from one of my all-time favorite websites, Scholastic!

Constitution Interactive Quizzes

What's Your Constitution IQ?
"Real or Fake" Quiz Which Founding Father Are You?

Constitution Day Lesson Plans:  (K-12 Lesson Plans) from The Center for Civic Education

Constitution Day Poster Design Contest
Constitutionfacts.com is a national sponsor of the Sixth Annual GovDoc Kids Group U.S. Constitution Day Poster Contest.
K-12 entrants can celebrate Constitution Day (Sept. 17) by designing a poster showing how they benefited from the freedoms embodied in the U.S. Constitution.
Entries must be postmarked by October 1, 2012. 


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